NOTE : It is STRONGLY ADVICABLE that - "TAKE PROPER GUIDANCE/ Method and/or CORRECT ADVICE from YOUR FAMILY DOCTOR / Naturopath before doing any exercise and/or meditation technique(s) - as some exercise and practice/s may be done under expert supervision.
Heart Diseases are more common in India as well as in Asian Countries, US Countries, UK, as well as / more commonly - all over the world.
Heart Disease or Cardiac Disease or Cardiopathy is an umbrella term for a variety of diseases affecting the Heart. As of 2007, it is the leading cause of death in the United States, England, Canada and Wales, accounting for 25.4% of the total deaths in the United States.
Mental tension, Emotional disturbance, Stress and Strain of life, etc. are the number one risk factor for heart diseases. racing ambitions, hurry and worry of modern life directly affect man's cardiovastular system. Mind is like a jokky and heart is like a horse. If the Jokky whips, the horse races fast. Similarly, when mind is tense, the heart over-functions. Modern man tends to run with time and, in turn, pays a very heavy price int he form of heart disease.
ALTHOUGH modern man no longer faces physical threat to survival yet he responds to the day-to-day psychological stress by fight or flight mechanism although it is not required. Stress abnormally disturbs on's cardiovascular functioning. This effect can be understood through several mechanisms of heart control.
Mental tension, Emotional disturbance, Stress and Strain of life, etc. are the number one risk factor for heart diseases. racing ambitions, hurry and worry of modern life directly affect man's cardiovastular system. Mind is like a jokky and heart is like a horse. If the Jokky whips, the horse races fast. Similarly, when mind is tense, the heart over-functions. Modern man tends to run with time and, in turn, pays a very heavy price int he form of heart disease.
ALTHOUGH modern man no longer faces physical threat to survival yet he responds to the day-to-day psychological stress by fight or flight mechanism although it is not required. Stress abnormally disturbs on's cardiovascular functioning. This effect can be understood through several mechanisms of heart control.
UNDERSTANDING the effect of stress on heart is one thing and doing something about stress is another. Conventional psychologists have suggested a number of stopgap measures to reduce stress, but non of them gets at the root cause of stress; they merely seek to ameliorate currently stressful circumstances. Some of these ideas have been to change jobs, to find more leisure, to find someone to talk about on's trouble to, to take up a hobby, to change on's life-style and so on. the more perceptive doctors counsel the making of deeper psychological changes; to be honest with oneself and others, to act with maturity and to make decisions firmly, to give up artificial crutches like alcohol and drugs and to increase on's personal strength.
All of those goals may be good, yet the question remains how does one get the inner strength even to make those changes? And how does one get the peace and clarity of mind to realize what steps are really necessary and possible to effect those changes? And how does one get the flexibility to life even in what may be considered "Stressful" circumstances since it is not always possible to change external conditions without feeling distressed by them?
THAT is where the efficacy of Raja Yoga in treatment comes in. It is not based on changing anything external, but rather on's internal responses to external demands. Thus, the treatment is useful to everyone in all circumstances. Moreover, just a few days of practice is sufficient to achieve mental and physical relaxation which in turn is enough to allow one to focus perception towards understanding and curing the personality factors which enter into stress produc tion. That understanding is increased further by application of the spiritual knowledge of which meditation is based.
RELAXATION RESPONSE : The value of relaxation has also been documented medically, A neuropsychiatrist of California, Late Dr. David Fink, wrote thus in this connectin: "Relaxation stops the emotions that prod the interbrain and forebrain into misbehaviour. Skill as well as good health depend upon relaxation". This, relaxation is the first step towards good health.
EXTERNAL events themselves generally do not raise menntal tension. Rather, it is the repeated thinking over of an event "I can't believe th boss said that to me what nerve he actually said that" - the repetition going on both consciously and unconsciously, awake and asleep - which raise mental tension levels to dangerous heights.
All of those goals may be good, yet the question remains how does one get the inner strength even to make those changes? And how does one get the peace and clarity of mind to realize what steps are really necessary and possible to effect those changes? And how does one get the flexibility to life even in what may be considered "Stressful" circumstances since it is not always possible to change external conditions without feeling distressed by them?
THAT is where the efficacy of Raja Yoga in treatment comes in. It is not based on changing anything external, but rather on's internal responses to external demands. Thus, the treatment is useful to everyone in all circumstances. Moreover, just a few days of practice is sufficient to achieve mental and physical relaxation which in turn is enough to allow one to focus perception towards understanding and curing the personality factors which enter into stress produc tion. That understanding is increased further by application of the spiritual knowledge of which meditation is based.
RELAXATION RESPONSE : The value of relaxation has also been documented medically, A neuropsychiatrist of California, Late Dr. David Fink, wrote thus in this connectin: "Relaxation stops the emotions that prod the interbrain and forebrain into misbehaviour. Skill as well as good health depend upon relaxation". This, relaxation is the first step towards good health.
EXTERNAL events themselves generally do not raise menntal tension. Rather, it is the repeated thinking over of an event "I can't believe th boss said that to me what nerve he actually said that" - the repetition going on both consciously and unconsciously, awake and asleep - which raise mental tension levels to dangerous heights.
THE control over the mind achieved through Raja Yoga practice makes us able to halt this repeated brooding over stressful events. We become able to easily re-charge our mental energies into positive and even blissful directions, and to intuit solutions to stress-causeing events which are life -enchancing for all concerned, rather than negative or distructive towards self or others.
WE know that Under the same set of circumstances, one person, may become anxious while another can remain cheerful. The difference has to do with attitude towards the event and more with on's general personality and understanding of life. By gaining spiritual insight into the laws of human actions and interaction, our attitudes towards life-situations naturally tend to become tolerant, positive and creative. This gives us the means to retain stability and peace of mind even under adverse conditions.
IN the words of Dr. Fink (from his book, "Relief from Nervous Tension"): "Your attitudes are the higher-ups, the big shots in your mental life. They are the habits that sit in the driver's seat. When you can boss them you are in the control of your life. You become invulnerable and nothing can hurt you".
OR in words of the pioneer in stress research, Dr. Hans Seye: "Rather than relying on drugs and other techniques, I think there is a better way to handle stress. Attitude determines whether we perceive any experience as pleasant or unpleasant".
"I have found the fundamentals of Raja Yoga Meditation extermely beneficial for developing the positive attitudes. For example, if someone gets angry or criticizes a Raja Yogi, he thinks: 'We all are actors on the world drama, playing a definite role allotted to us. I should not worry about the activities of others. I must try to play the role given to me in the best manner. When he behaves according to his nature, I also should behave according to my original nature of being a peaceful and loving soul. I remain detached and peaceful because I am just an observer of various scenes of the world drama. Whatever percentage of truth lies in the criticism, I must accept and change myself.' If a near relatives dies, then, under stress, caused by bereavement he thinks; "This is an event, where the actor has just changed his costume (body) for playing another role. Indeed, the Soul is eternal, indestructible and immortal. Thus the soul whom I love is not dead. The soul still continues to play its role somewhere else. I must not feel sad about the event. On the contrary, I should send good wishes and vibrations of peace".
if you expect failure and think about