Introduction to Sleeping with Feet Facing South
In this article series about saattvik living pertaining to various aspects of how to sleep well, we are looking at various parameters of how to sleep well. In this article we will study the effect of sleeping with our feet facing the South direction. This study into how to sleep well is entirely from the spiritual perspective. It will help us take an educated decision about how to sleep well from the perspective of the direction of our feet when we sleep.
1.1 Spiritual research into how to sleep well – effect of sleeping with our feet facing the South
The effect of sleeping with our feet facing the South from the perspective of how to sleep well was investigated at a spiritual level by seekers of SSRF having advanced sixth sense or extrasensory perception (ESP). The divine knowledge that they received was verified by His Holiness Dr. Athavale.
2. Spiritual effect of sleeping with feet facing South
2.1 Increase in activity of the downward and tiryak frequencies
There are various frequencies inherently present in the atmosphere. Their presence and flow is predominant in certain directions. When our body is aligned with the direction of their flow we enter their field and are influenced more than when we are not in their field. Among these frequencies are 2 distressing or negative types of frequencies. One is the downward flowing frequencies that go towards the region of Hell (Paataal) and the other is a type of frequencies known as the tiryak frequencies. Tiryak literally means skewed. As these frequencies are skewed, they cause distress. Both these frequencies move in the southern direction. Hence this direction is charged with these frequencies.
When we sleep with our feet facing the South direction, our body is most exposed to the activity of the downward frequencies as well as tiryak frequencies. This increases the activity of the subtle basic raja-tama particles inside as well as outside the body. This increased activity of the subtle basic raja-tama component aids the activity of the ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). Thus we are most at risk of being affected or possessed by ghosts.
2.2 Increased flow of vibrations from the region of Death (Yamaloka) and region of Hell (Paataal)
The South direction is associated with the region of Death (Yamaloka), the subtle basic raja-tama frequencies and distress. When we sleep with our feet facing the South direction the vibrations from the Yamaloka (region of Death) and Paataal (region of Hell) join together.
Due to this we attract the subtle basic raja-tama frequencies or ghosts. Due to the combined effect of the above when we sleep with our feet facing the South, we can suffer distress in the form of difficulty in falling asleep, nightmares, feeling scared in sleep or waking up in fear.
3. In summary
Thus from the perspective of how to sleep well, it is important to take into account the direction of our bed when planning the layout of the house. Even when we are camping outside or in hotels or in someone else’s house it is best to take care that we do not sleep with our feet facing the South.
In the following articles in this series in how to sleep well, we will consider the effect of sleeping with our feet facing the other directions.