Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Theory, Principles and Advantage of Naturopathy :

Naturopathy signifies the treatment of disease with Nature's resources - her free gifts - such as fresh air, pure water, bright sunlight, proper and timely sleep, natural diet, etc.
Primitive races, before the medicinal use of plants, minerals and poisons came to be discovered were utilising Nature's gifts for the cure of their ailments. Even now a few followers of Nature, some savages and all lower animals are making use of Nature's bounties in getting rid of their disease.

Some persons may be incredulous as it is taught in the colleges that drugs are very necessary to destroy the bacilli which cause disease. But a Naturopathy believes that it is the improper diet and the impurities in the blood caused thereby are the cause of disease with the bacilli peculiar to it, and advocates that the temple of the human soul must be kept scrupulously clean both internally and externally by leading a natural lilfe.

Disease germs cannot thrive pure blood, they can live and propagate their species only where there are impurities.  Hence the best mode of preventing and healing disease is to keep our body clean and blood pure by ridding them of impurities both externally and internally.  A Naturopath recognizes microbes as a product of disease rather than a cause. "No disease condition", says Dr. Lindlahr "even apparently hopeless can be pronounced incurable unless all the natural methods of treatment have been given a through trial. It is no charlatanic boast, but the simple truth, when we affirm that the various natural methods can and do cure so called incurable diseases, such as tuberculosis, cancer, locomotor ataxia, epilepsy, eczema, neurasthenia, insanity and the worst forms of dyspepsia with constipation always providing that the patient possesses sufficient vitality to react to the treatment and that the destruction of vital parts, and organs has not advanced to far.

Hence our claim that while there are incurable patients, there are no incurable diseases".
Theory and Principles of Naturopathy
Nature expels merbid matter and impurities from the sytem, first ghrough the rectum when the waste food products are evacuated;
secondly through the urinary organs whence certain acids combined with lime, potash, soda, magnesia and other substances taken from the blood are expelled from the system;
thirdly throught the pores of the skin which expel a good deal of waste matter in the form of perspiration, and
fourthly through the respiratory organs which systain life by inhaling the air and by exhaling it charged with carbonic acid gas generated in the body.
If these natural functions are not carried on in a proper manner the waste morbid matter remains in the body and becomes a fruitful sources of disease. For instance we take food not ment by nature for our consumption and swallow a lot of objectionable drugs and chemicals which stupefy our nervous system and cause an excess of crude lime, soda, potash, etc. in the blood which tax the urinary system to a great extent.  We wear tight cloths and do not allow our skin pores to inhale oxygen and natural gases from the air and to expel waste matter through perspiration.  Some persons do not inhale thropugh the nostrils to oxidise the lungs properly but inhale air throught he mouth which is a dangerous habit (in this case practice of 'pranayama' a type of breathing exercise in yoga - is necessary)  One must live therefore in accordance with the laws of Nature, try to cure diseases by obeying Nature only, and should not swallow nor introduce into the system any unnecessary poisons.

What is a Healthy State according to Naturopathy :
A person is said to be healthy when he is Physically, Mentally, Socially and Spiritually declared healthy, and when all its parts are in their normal condition and are able to perform their work without un-easiness and pain. In short - A healthy person always feels perfectly well.
What is an Unhealthy State :
Disease is a preverted state of body or mind caused by errors in diet and by un-natural mode of living. It is the natural consequence of our own wrong actions.  That a morbid condition of health is the result of auto- tixin generated from the disorganised substances in the body itself or from the unwholesom non-nutritive foreign substances introduced into the body in the form of food, drink, medicine, vaccines, serums, etc. which as a rule make the body unclean and blood impure.
Cause of Disease :
Allopathy the ruling medical profession evers that the cause of disease is its bacillus, to destroy which a suitable poisonous drug should be administered.
Ayurvedic physicians say :     व्याधिस्तु दोषवैषम्यं दोषसाम्यमरोगता ।।
   in Sanskrit Language)          त्स्मात्स्वास्थ्यं च दोषाणां यत्नतो रक्षयेद् बुधः ।।
Translation : Disease is the abnormal condition of the humours in the body, while their normal condition constitutes health. Therefore a wise man should always try to keep his humours in their proper conditions.
i.e. : (in Sanskrit Language) : निदानं सर्वरोगाणां विविधाअहित सेवनम् ।।
Translation : "The main cause of all diseases is the un-natural mode of living and chiefly the over taxed condition of the stomach are liver caused by foods not ment by Nature for our consumption.
These foods are :
  1. Artificially manufactured sugar, its preparations, saccharine,
  2. Sea-salt, and its preparations,
  3. Tea, wines, liquors and other stimulating drinks.
  4. Coffee, tobacco, and other narcotics,
  5. fish, fowl, flesh meat, pork and other animal food,
  6. Food stuffs frid in ghee (vegetable oil), oil, or fat etc.
  7. Condiments and their preparaations such as spiced milk, cakes, chutnees, pickles etc.
  8. Preserved food such as jams, jellies, condensed milk, tinned fish, salted bacon, etc.
  9. All the curde mineral substances chiefly salts and acids such as chunam (or mout freshner) eating habit with betal leaf, sea salt, rock salt, epsom salt, glauber's salt, carbonate of soda chiefly in aerated waters, vinegar, tarteric acid, etc.
  10. All the poisonus drugs, Opium, Mercury, Arsenic, Aconite, Nux vomica, etc. specially in large doses in mistures prescribed by medical men whether Ayurvedic, Unanee or Allopathic, are the most objectionable substances to be poured or thrown into our tender stomach.
Search Tags : what is, naturopathy, all about naturopathy, theory of naturopathy, articles on naturopathy, naturopathy treatment, nature cure way of life, natural treatment, natural living,  principles of naturopathy

    Contd..... (more articles are coming) .... please give your valuable comments.

    Sunday, March 18, 2012


    THE POWER OF OM (or OUM) :
    What is Om (or Oum) ?
    Om or Aum (also About this sound Auṃ, written universally as , in Devanāgari as ओ३म् or ओम् in Sanskrit known as praṇava प्रणव (lit. "to sound out loudly"), Omkara, or Auṃkāra (also as Aumkāra) ओंकार (lit. "Auṃ form/syllable"), is a sacred or mystical syllable in most Dharmic or religions, specifically Hinduism, Jainism and Mahayana Buddhism.

    Om is pronounced as ओ३म् where ३ is Pluti, (indicating a length of three morae) (long or over-long nasalized close-mid back rounded vowel, [õːː]), like OOOM, दीर्घ O, though there are other enunciations adhered to in received traditions. It is placed at the beginning of most Hindu texts as a sacred incantation to be intoned at the beginning and end of a reading of the Vedas or prior to any prayer or mantra. The Māndukya Upanishad is entirely devoted to the explanation of the syllable. The syllable consists of three phonemes, a Vaishvanara,[1] u Hiranyagarbha and m Iswara, which symbolize the beginning, duration, and dissolution of the universe and the associated gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, respectively.[2] The name Omkara is taken as a name of God in the Hindu revivalist Arya Samaj and can be translated as "I Am Existence"[citation needed].

    1. Om or Oum help us in various psychological disease like : Dipression, Stress, Hallucinations (warning : these are based on public talk so you need to try these exercise(s) under expert supervision).
    2. It is seen that Om and Meditation will Relax our Body and Mind.
    3. Practice of Om is Good for School / College children.
    4. Om is good for Technical / Non Technical People, also good for concentration for mostly all people.
    5. Very Good Effect on Heart Disease (Consult your Yoga Specialist before trying any Heart Based Exercise).
    6. Om and Meditation is very good for Pragnent Women (Befor Childbirth and After Childbirth).
    7. Om and Meditation is very good for Military and Para Military Staff as it will Relax our Mind and Body and w'll be abot to take Quick Decisions, as well as to avoide lazyness (Consult any Yoga speciality for Asana and Pranayamas too).
    8. Om is good for Doctors and Surgeons as this will increase our concentration level while treating or operating a patient.
    9. Om is very good for Pilots and Soldiers as it can increase our concentration level.

    NOTE : Correct Pronunciation is very necessary for Better Effect.

    - x - x - x - x -x-x-xX-Xx-x- x - x- x - x -
    EFFECT OF YOGA THERAPY ON CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN - A RANDOMIZED CONTROL STUDY : (for complete article visit : http://www.svyasa.org/theses/PadminiTekur.asp)
    Thesis  by : Dr PADMINI TEKUR
    Under the Guidance of
    Dr R NAGARATNA M.B., B.S. M.D., M.R.C.P.
    Dr H R NAGENDRA M.E., Ph.D.

    Background and need for the study: Previously, outpatient Yoga programs (in two of the earlier RCTs on yoga for Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP), 12 to 16 weeks of intervention) lasting several months have been found to reduce pain, analgesic requirement and disability, and improve spinal mobility in chronic low back pain (CLBP).



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