Saturday, August 24, 2024


Article By Dr. Ish Kumar Sachdeva, Faculty & Senior Consultant at Sector 12, Noida, NDDY, Naturopathy Practitioner Since 2010 (+91 - 9818479606).

Now The Big Question Is : Which One is Best and Healthy ?
There are Lot of Arguments !

Note: all material is property of Dr. Ish Kr. Sachdeva, Sector 12, Noida. Copy is Strictly Prohibited.



        Page No.       Chapters                                                                Page No.

    1. Why only "Raw Food" -              ................................    
      (Or Combination of Raw / Cooked Food ?)

    2. Why it is highly recommended for Indians ? ...........    
    3. Why should human only need organic Vegetarian / Raw Food ........ 
    4. Effect of Raw food on Human & Animal Health ............................. 
    5. Human Nature, Psychology, Physiology, Spiritual Health & Relation between Modern Human vs. Raw Vegetarian Food   ................................................... 
    6. Which Vegetable should be eaten Raw & Which can't ? ................. 
    7. Raw / Cooked food for Hospitalized Patient, Pregnant Women / After Surgery Patients 
      (which food is recommended ?)
    8. Effect of raw food on human behaviour (Human psychology vs raw food)...
    9. Raw Food According to Your Country / Region (Seasonal Vegetables / 
      Un-seasonal vegetables Risk on Health.
    10. Sprouted Food vs. Vegetables - Scientific Selection.
    11. Anti-Oxidents in Raw Food (Role of Anti-Oxidents in Human Health).
      which anti oxident highly recommended, mixture of Anti-Oxidents.
    12. Cooked food - Root Cause of almost all common human disorders / disease.
    13. Effect of Raw food on Digestion.
    14. Cooked Food Like An Addiction. Non-Organic Spices, Artificial Flavours, Chemical Aroma, Processed Food Cause of Cancer.
    15. Importance of Raw Food In Various Diseases.
    16. Effect of Uncooked Food on The Digestive System.
    17. Proper use of Fruits and Their Juices in Various Diseases.
    18. Fasting along with Uncooked Food & Fruit Vegetable Juice.
    19. How to Detox The Body with Uncooked Vegetarian Food.
    20. Proper Way of Fasting.
    21. Various Culture and Proof of Un-cooked vs Cooked Food Research.


  • प्रारंभिक इंसान या प्राचीन इंसान जब वह कच्चा खाना खता था - तब तक वह बहुत स्वस्थ अवं बिमारिओं से रहित था, जैसे ही इंसान ने खूब पका हुआ तथा मसालेदार अप्राकृतिक, खुशबु युक्त, खाना खाना शुरू किया, तब से इंसान तरह तरह की बिमारिओं से ग्रसित हुआ है 
    (Early man or ancient man used to eat raw food - till then he was very healthy and disease free, as soon as man started eating cooked and spicy food with unnatural smell, since then man has been suffering from various diseases).
  • आपके आसपास जितने भी प्राणी जगत हैं, जितने भी शाकाहारी जानवर आपने आज तक देखे हैं - उनमे से शायद ही किसी को लाइफस्टाइल बीमारी से ग्रसित देखा होगा, मन्युष्य को छोड़ कर लगभग सभी जानवर / प्राणी जगत लगभग १००% स्वस्थ है, क्या आपने कभी सोचा है ? की प्राणी जगत के सभी जानवर जो खास तौर पर जंगल में रहते हैं वह बीमार क्यों नहीं पड़ते ? क्यों की वह सभी जो भी कहते हैं वह अपक्व आहार है 
    (All the animals around you, all the vegetarian animals you have seen till date - hardly anyone of them has been seen suffering from a lifestyle disease, except humans, almost all animals / animal kingdom are almost 100% healthy, have you ever wondered? Why do all the animals of the animal kingdom, especially those living in the forest, not fall sick? Because whatever they eat is unripe / un-cooked food).

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