Monday, November 22, 2010

MEDITATION AS MEDICINE (Part-3), How Does Meditation Help a Doctor ?


The greatest responsibility on the medical profesionals is to restore and maintain health of the society.  Health is birthright of everybody.  It is treasure which neither science nor wealth can buy and to gain it most people would readily agree to give up everything.
Health is not merely a precious possession but a resource in which the whole community has a stake.  Although health is defined as state of complete physical, mental, social as well as spiritual well-being, and not merely absence of disese or infirmity, yet the modern system of health-care looks after just the physical health alone.
If we stuldy teh attributes of health, we can see by even casual self-analysis that most of us are ot healthy.  The practice of Raja Yoga is the strongest foundation for building the stage of one's mental and social health as well as a distinct advantage in maintaining the well-being of on's body.
The practice of Raja Yoga Meditation provides a medical practitioner with an excellent auxiliary means in
(1) Diagnosis
(2) Treatment and
(3) Satisfaction of patients. Besides, it also helps him to keep his own personal and social life peaceful, harmonious and happy.

Just a few minutes of Raja Yoga practice makes our mind peaceful and calm.  In this state of tranquality, our power of decision improves immensely.  Many Raja Yogi doctors have professed to have been benefited by this practice in improving the faculty of taking correct and quick decision.  It also enables us to put our thought - process in a desired direction rapidly. Unwanted and unnacessary thought does not hinder the deep thinking.
This enhances the ability to do differential diagnosis quickly without any mistake.

Raja Yoga Meditation is a good adjunct to most of the modern therapueutic methods.  IT restores the normal sleeping patterns which are effected in many a psychological and psychosomatic disease and disorder.  Combination of Raja Yoga Meditation with other therapeutic methods greately enhances the rate of progress with many patients.

Raja Yoga Meditation changes the individual's internal physiological response to environmental circumstances, thereby allowing a more adaptive behavioural response to life- pressures.  It provides physiological and psychological rest, necessary for the body to replace chemical resources, depleted by fight or fight responses, excessive fear, angrer and chronic distress. Thus, when Raja Yoga Meditation is added to traditional approaches in the treatment of psychological and psychosomatric disease-be they behavioural, psychoanalytical or psychopharmacological~ patients improve at a rate much faster than usual.
In a number of incidents it is observed that diseases like diabetes and hypertension have been stabilized or treated much more quickly by regular practice or Raja Yoga Meditation.
A 55 years old female, principl of a school had moderate to serve type of essential hypertension for about 10 years and which could not be controlled by a number of antihypertensive drugs.  Within a few days of practising Meditation, The Blood Pressure could be controlled by these drugs and after a eyar of Raja Yoga practice for about 45-60 minutes/day, her blood pressure could be stabilized at 150/90 - 155 /95 without any pharmacological treatment.
Similarly, a 48 yar Veternary doctor developed maturity onset diabetes which was not controlled by insulin for years but within a few days of practising Raja Yoga Meditaiton, his diabetes came into control with 1/2 tablet of oral antidiabetecs/ day.
Raja Yoga Medittation is very effective to overcome smoking, alcohol consumption and Drug abuse.  Raja Yoga offers even a beginner the experience of supersensory pleasure.  Through the self-reinforcing nature of Raja Yoga, a patient's mind will be pulled increasingly towards the activity and very naturally his cognitive patterns will begin to alter. Hi will simultaneously experience a very subtle but significant increase in his level of will power so that at least he will be able to reduce the dosage that his addiction requires.  This in turn created self- confidence which, in course of time, inspires him to shed the old and unwanted habit entirely.
In recent years, there has been growing recognition that "Prevention is far better and Cheaper Than Cure".  Medical scientists and health organization are focusing much of their researc effort on this goal of preventing the occurence of disease as far as possible. The practice of Raja Yoga by itself can prevent many diseases which are psychologically caused or precipitated.  Raja Yoga not only strengthnes the mind but exercises it to a level or great flexibility.  This means the power of mind to resist disease is increased enormously, for there is no weakness lurking in the subcouscious any more to invite disease into the body and also in increases the will to get well.
Though the practice of Raja Yoga conclusively prevents many illnesses occuring primarily as a result or psychological stress, nevertheless a yogi is not totally immune to diseases, primrily resulting from congenital, mechinical or environmental factors.
But the signuficat observation to be made her is that though a certain amount of sickness may be unavoidable in the present circumstances of polluted environment, a Raja Yogi learns to overcome the suffering which would otherwise accompany the illness.  In other words, though the physical vehicle ~ the body - may be malfunctioning, the soul within can continue to enjoy unbroken tranquality or mind.

  • Raja Yoga enables a doctor to acquire
    Hand that never hurts,
    Tongue that never cuts
    Mind that never bursts,
These qualities help him to satisfy patients and satisfaction of patients is needed for the successful medical practice.
IN DOCTOR'S FAMILY LIFE : (Not only for DOCTORS - but for every one)
As the life of a doctor / individual is very busy, he/ she has to bear with hunger, tiredness, lack of sleep, stress, etc. He has to deal with patients of different Temperament.  Therefore he/she can give very little time for his/ her family members and so, some times, his family relations are disturbed.  Raja Yoga practice enables a doctor to develop the powers to tolerate and face various situations.  This helps him to adapt, accommodate and adjust in different situations.  Thus his family life also becomes peaceful, happy and harmonious.

MEDITATION AS MEDICINE (Part-2), Meditation in Clinical Practice, Effects of Meditation, Meditation as Treatment, What is Meditation,


People today are very much aware of their Physical as well as Psychological Health. First of all i want to tell you that There is no medicine greater then faith, in other words we can say - "Vishvas he sabse badi dava hai" if you are taking a medicine with full faith and beliefe (i am not asking about not allopathic / pharmaceuticals), it act vary fast.

Various means have been suggested as keys to improving one's well-being, but the fact of psychological stability is still too often downplayed, either because its importance is not fully recognized or because no way of strengthening that stability has been known.

Numerous scientific investigations have undoubtedly proved that psychological stress can have disastrous effect on the physical health. In diseases like hypertension, diabetes, peptic ulcers and bronchial Asthma, psychological stress is one of the factors for causing or complicating the disease process and also disturbs the recovery with pharmacological treatment.  Neverthe-less, the knowledge of harmful effect alone does not help us much to lead a life free of worries, stress and tension.  More significantly, there is evidence that a simple means exists which relieves stress and re-establishes mental harmony when practised regularly, and is thus a vital adjunct to any programme for maintaining and promoting health.  That means is known popularly as Raja Yoga Meditation.


In 1791, Galvani was the first person to declare that nerves contain some intrinsic form of electricity.  Since then there has been a great interest in measuring the electrical activity of the brain.  Hans Berger made the first recording of electroencephalogram (EEG) in 1925.  EEG is the measurement of rhythms of electrical activity originating in the brain. 

Biofeedback means sending back of biological information to the person whose body is producing the information.  This study, research and application have blossomed only in the 30 years.


There are Four Types of Brain waves : which we produce in different states of alertness :

Alpha Waves : (it is 8-13 per second): Moderately fast, High in Voltage, recorded when an individual is awake, eyes closed and is in relaxed nonattentive state.

Beta Waves : (More than 13 per second): Comparatively faster, low voltage waves recorded when an individual is awake, eyes open, and is in an active or attentive state.

Theta Waves : (4-7 per second): Slow, Low voltage waves, predominant during drowsiness.

Delta Waves : (0-3 per Second): Slowest waves, high voltage- recorded in deep sleep.

Many investigation are conducted on individuals practising the different methods of yoga in order to assess their usefulness.  One of the most recent studies involved a series of psychophysiological experiment, made in San Francisco, California (U.S.A.) at Langley Porter Psychiatric Institution.

These included Zen, Tibetan, Tantric and Raja Yoga Meditation, taught by Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University.

Most of the Meditators showed Alpha or Theta waves when hey meditated. These waves are replaced by non-coherent Beta Waves when they stopped meditating.

The results were remarkably different in the individuals, practising Raja Yoga Meditation. It was Delta Waves usually not longer than 50 micro volts, even while awake and solving problems. Normally, Delta Waves are not produced except by a person in the deepest state of sleep.

By subtracting eye movements from the graph, it was determined that the wave-pattern was not produced due to movements of the eyes.  OTher double checks were also made.  No sign of brain abnormality was present either.

In simple terms, through Raja Yoga, one learns how to detach the mind from its physical engagements with the sense-organs through the brain and nervous system.  In this detached state, the body and brain are able to relax completely, while his consciousness is centered in his soul, not in his brain, continues to function at peak levels.  The difference between conscious apparatus of a Raj Yogi and that of ordinary people is that due to the high level of detachement, his cortex is no longer being 'driven' by sensory input and conditioned physical thought-response patterns.  His mind, in a state of liberation from physical attachement, allows the cortex to remainin its inherent Delta rhythm.

The above conclusion is supported by other experimental evidence as well.  For example, when the brans of animals are cut (with the animals alive and conscios) so the cortex is isolated from the central region of the brain, Delta waves are produced.  A Raj Yogi simply cuts the connection intellectually through re-rerouting his mental energy rather than through a physical operation.

The system of Raj Yoga Meditation has now been so well analysed and clarified by Yogic researches at the Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University the beginners today can easily learn effective technique to produce Delta or Theta Waves, mixed with Alpha, and also many other physiological and biochemical benefits even after only week of practice.  The subjective correlatives of such a brain-wave production are serenity, self-confidence and supersensous joy.

MEDITATION AS MEDICINE (PART 1), The Power of Meditation, Meditation Therapy, Meditation in Daily LIfe, How to to Meditation


In this Article (our aim is to spread the loving effects of meditation) as under :
  • The Power of Meditation.
  • Relation Between Yoga and Meditation.
  • Meditation as Medicine.
  • Psycho Physiology of Raja Yoga and Relation to Meditation.
  • Different type of Brain Waves during Meditation.
  • Meditation in Clinical Treatment.
  • Meditation for Psychological Disorders.
  • Study of Respiratory Rate during Meditation.
  • How Does it Help a Doctor ?
Meditation refers to any of a family of practices in which the practitioner trains his or her mind or self-induces a mode of consciousness in order to realize some benefit.

A few Clinical Studies on Meditation :

A preliminary study was conducted on 25 Raja Yogis, including both males and females, practising meditation regularly, in October 1984, by the Medical Wing of Raja Yoga Education and Research Foundation to observe the effect of meditation to the vital parameters.  This showed an overall decrease in the mean values of heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and respiratory rate as shown in the Below Figure (Fugure 1)

Figure (1)



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